Saturday, July 4, 2020

Why Goat Meat Is Better Than All Red Meat

Goat meat is healthier than beef, chicken and mutton according to research.

With the growing number of heart diseases among the population in the world that are arising from red meat, many people have become health-conscious when it comes to eating red meat yet it has nutritional benefits that are hard to get from plants. With that in mind, most people are looking out for the best alternative source of red meat with the least risk factor to keep them healthy while observing nutritional guidelines at the same time.

In this article you will get to learn about the nutritional advantage of goat meat over other most popular red meat sources that are known with proper guidance on where to buy your fresh meat and how to prepare it for the best results.

Goat meat or goat's meat is commonly known as "goat", though meat from adult goats is referred to as chevon and cabrito, while from young goats, it is capretto, natale or kid.

Goat meat comprises 63 percent of all red meat that is consumed worldwide, according to the Alabama Cooperative Extension Service.

What does goat meat taste like?

Goat has a reputation for having a strong, gamey flavor, but the taste can also be mild, depending on how it is raised and prepared. Goat meat from young goats is tender and comparable to lamb, while meat from older goats is tougher and has a stronger taste

Is goat meat healthy?

According to the Alabama Cooperative Extension Service, Goat meat has been established as a lean meat with favorable nutritional qualities compared to chicken, beef, lamb and pork. Hence the healthiest of red meats. This is shown in the table below;

 A table showing the comparison of the Nutrient Composition of Goat meat and other red meats; chicken, beef, lamb and pork













Fat (g)






Saturated Fat (g)






Protein (g)






Cholesterol (mg)






iron (mg)






**Per 3 oz. of cooked meat; USDA Nutrient Database for Standard Reference, Release 14 (2001) Source:

As shown in table above, goat meat is lower in calories, total fat, saturated fat, and cholesterol than traditional meats. Less saturated fat and less cholesterol mean healthier red meat for a health-conscious consumer. According to the Harvard School of Pub­lic Health, saturated fats (bad fats) increase the risk for cardiovascular disease and other chronic condi­tions, while unsaturated fats (good fats) improve blood cholesterol levels, ease in­flammation, stabilize heart rhythms, and play a number of other beneficial roles. Therefore, a relatively high proportion of total unsaturated fats make goat a very healthy meat choice.

Additionally, goat meat has higher levels of iron (3.2 mg) when compared to a similar serving size of beef (2.9 mg), pork (2.7 mg), lamb (1.4 mg), and chicken (1.5 mg). Comparatively, goat meat also contains higher potassium content with lower sodium levels. Regarding essential amino acid composition, goat meat closely resembles that of lamb meat.

The superior nutritive value and the health benefits of Goat meat offers an ideal choice to be considered as the healthiest meat by any health-conscious consumer.

What are the other health benefits of goat meat?

1.      It Prevents Cancer

Goat meat contains conjugated linoleic acid which prevents cancer cells. It is also a good source of Vitamin B and selenium which further help in preventing cancer cells’ development.

2.      Good Source of Protein

Goat meat contains protein that are important for muscles repair and growth. However goat meat should be taken in moderation because excess of any thing is bad.

3.      Good for preventing Anemia

It is a good source of Iron which is needed in the formation of blood in the body hence preventing anemia. Therefore it is safe for pregnant women or anyone who is facing iron deficiency. However much most of the meat has iron, it is a better alternative because it is lean which means less of bad fats.

4.      Good for mental health

It is a good source of many vitamins and minerals that include Vitamin B6, B12, C, E, A,K, iron, calcium, phosphorus, Zinc, copper, manganese, selenium, potassium, sodium and many more. For people facing depression, PMS, or even stress, it can help you to stay fit mentally as well as physically.

5.      Bone health

Goat meat contains high levels of calcium and Vitamin B12 which are good for your bone health and density. If you include goat meat in your diet, it will help you to prevent many kinds of bone diseases.

6.      It prevents Obesity

Vitamin B contained in goat meat helps in burning extra fat. This will help you to prevent obesity to a great extent. In addition to that, it contains less fat than beef, pork, lamb and chicken, therefore having cuts on your fat intake as well.

  1. It prevents Kidney disease and strokes.

The meat is also high in Omega 3 fatty acids, whilst it is also low in potassium and sodium! This helps prevent kidney disease and even strokes!

8.      It helps in maintaining blood pressure levels.

Goat meat is rich in dietary Potassium. Due to this, goat meat helps in maintaining blood pressure levels. Potassium also helps in stabilizing the heart rhythms, so goat meat reduces the risk of irregular heartbeats as well. The Low Sodium Levels in goat meat makes it ideal for people who are suffering from hypertension. So, if you want to enjoy a meat dish without the worry of increasing sodium intake, you can replace any other red meat with goat meat.

While there are few cons to goat meat, for those with blood pressure problems and cholesterol difficulties, it may be best to avoid or enjoy in moderation.
Goat meat has been known to increase cholesterol levels as well as blood pressure, but that is with excessive consumption.
How can goat meat be prepared?

If you are planning to prepare goat meat, you should take note that the price of goat meat is higher than most other meats on the market for two reasons. Goats do not grow well in confinement style systems. Secondly the meat yield per goat is low (compared to cattle, pigs or chickens). Therefore you should be prepared to spend some extra coins if you are in need of goat meat.

Where to find goat meat for sale?

If you are looking for Fresh goat meat, the first question you would ask your self will be. ‘What butcher sales fresh goat meat near me?’ You can find the answer to this question through inquiring from your friends and neighbors and probably looking for a farm that might be selling whole animals just in case you plan to slaughter the whole animal by yourself.

Ensure that the price is good and that they follow the national quality standards.

With the many online goat markets coming up these days, you can browse for the best deal that offers a good value for your money.

How to Remove the Strong Odor from Goat Meat

The strong odor from goat meat can be challenging at times. The following steps can help you get rid of this strong odor. 

 1. Rinse meat with water and then transfer meat to a large bowl.

 2. Add enough whole milk to cover the meat and a tablespoon of coffee powder.

 3. Place in a refrigerator overnight.

 4. Cook following recipe's instructions as you will later see in this article

Goat meat can be prepared by; grilling, rotisserie, broiling, roasting, sautéing, pan-frying, braising and stewing depending on the cut of the meat.

For more information about the main goat meat cuts and a guide for how each cut should be cooked click here.

Goat meat recipes

The popularity of the recipes depends on you location, however some of the recipes you can use are the following;

1.      Goat Stew

2.      Slow Cooker Goat Curry

3.      Ghanaian Goat and Tripe Peanut Stew (Groundnut Soup) Recipe

For more goat recipes, you can follow this link


The increasing awareness of consumers in relation to a variety of environmental issues and traceability has caused a greater demand for animal products from organic or natural production systems, which are compatible with extensive goat production systems.

As goat meat is less popular, you get natural meat whereas the chicken, cow and pigs are raised using hormones and antibiotics. Therefore, goat meat is safer.

 In case you would like to know more about goat meat, you can drop your question in the comment section below. We will be glad to receive a feedback from you.

For Related articles about goats. Click here