Monday, February 14, 2022


To Love and To Hold

'To love and to hold'. I had to look up the meaning of the phrase and I was blown away by the magnitude that it carries - "receiving, without reservation, the total self-gift of the other and a promise of unconditional acceptance." Whoa! Doesn't that bewilder you as well? And that's just the introduction to a litany of other profound vows by the way.

With the Valentine's aura drifting past, I'm pondering about what it means to love. The word has been so vastly used in song lyrics, movie lines, names and the list runs on. But what does it mean to love? I listened in to a conversation where a lady was asked why she wasn't buying anything for Valentine's. She quickly blurted out, " For a Christian woman, where is it written that we should love? We submit, the men love." I was amused by her strong sentiments but also intrigued. Doesn't the submission come from a place of love? How are you able to submit to one you do not love?

When we profess our unwavering, unshakable, unrelenting blah blah blah love for one another, what do we actually mean? The words are smooth on the tongue but the gravity of the word love may not really sink in. I see couples looking deeply into each other's eyes, into the obscure parts of their souls and uttering 'to love and to hold...'. Just let that thought linger in your mind. It's literally to die to self for the sake of your beloved regardless of the raging winds round about you. It is to accept them in totality - from the split ends of their hair to their baby toes.

I love the Biblical definition of love because its applicability spans across agape (selfless love), philia (affectionate love), eros (romantic love) and storge (the love of parents for children). It describes love as patient, kind; not envious, boastful, proud or dishonoring others; not self-seeking, easily angered or keeping record of wrong. It doesn't delight in evil, but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, trusts, hopes, perseveres and never fails.

In all the definitions that the web has to offer, love is predominantly described as a feeling. I don't entirely dispute that school of thought because I've felt it before - the tingling wave that courses through your veins when you're attracted to someone or the emptiness that engulfs your heart when you're far from family and friends. However, this feeling is fickle. Your heart will want to jump out of your chest one minute, then grow cold in the seconds after that. This is why I believe in love being a decision. As a decision, it ceases to be based upon circumstances like Valentine's. You decide to be patient with your nagging wife, to be kind to your horrible desk mate, you refuse to envy the girl across the table or to boast about the dollars weighing down your account. You decide to let go of the anger that promises to consume you and persevere through it all because love never fails.

Love is a decision to go against self and be for others what they would possibly not be for you. In this 'love season', may you love in the entirety of the word. Not bend to the will of a flimsy feeling, but garner the will to love and to hold, in every sense of the word.

Monday, January 3, 2022

Webale kuba nange By Betty Muwanguzi


Singa mukama tewali wamu nange

abalabe bandimpangudde



 Webale kubba nange

Bamuyita Yesu


Bamuyita Yesu



Bakuyita Yesu

Tukuyita Yesu








There is none like Jesus

No one else like Jesus


Simply none like Jesus

You never fail


You never fail


Jesus, you never fail

Ani akwenkana


Ani akwenkana

Ani akwenkana


Ani akwenkana

Mukama oweggye


Osanidde ettendo


Osanidde ettendo

Mukama ow'eggye


Oli wanjawulo

Oli wanjawulo


Oli wanjawulo

Mukama oweggye


Kankusinze nze

Kankusinze nze


Kankusinze nze

Mukama owegye





Mukama owegye


Artist : unknown




 Yesu ameremeta

 Yesu asinga...


Jesus ever shinning

 Jesus ever loving

Ampadde amanyi Lyrics By Hawa Abale

Artist - Hawa Abale


Ampade amanyi n'obuyinza

Ampade obuwanguzi


Sitani ali wansi wange


teri dogo lyona

teri kikolimo kyona


teri kulamiliza kwona

kulilaba mukisa

nze gyendi


teri kitala kiwesedwa

eli obulamu bwange

kililaba mukisa

neda neda

nabuli lulimi


olugolokoka okukolimira

kulisalirwa omusango


ampade amanyi………


Nebwebaba ab'amasaza

Abo abafugila mubanga

Amanyi age'kizikiza

Tegayiza ooh okukiliza

Abalabe bwebaja nze okunumba

Balisasana mumakubo musaavu

Nabalambe bwebaja okulwanagana nange

Balivunama kubigere byange


Ampande amamyi………


(Oh sitani ali wansi wange)

Ngabweyawangula amagombe

Nazukila mu baffu

Nebyange bwona ebikwatako


N'ebyobyona mukwano

Ebilinga ebiganye

Linda lindako

Yesu bwaja akuwaguza.

Ampade amanyi……….

Luganda gosple Lyrics - Abeera munsozi n'emunyanja

Title: Abeera munsozi n'emunyanja

Artist: unknown

Album : unknown


Abeera munsozi n'emunyanja

Ajjuza eggulu n'ensi era ali munze

Anyimusa bwemba nga nsaba

Tayinza kundekawo Yesu ali nange